Sunday, January 12, 2020

Greek and Latin Roots

​Understanding the meanings of the common word roots can help us deduce the meanings of new words that we encounter. It may help you to successfully tackle the word attack questions in Section A. 

Greek Root Words

The table below defines and illustrates 25 of the most common Greek roots.

antiagainstantibacterial, antidote, antithesis
ast(er)starasteroid, astronomy, astronaut
aquwateraquarium, aquatic, aqualung
automatic, automate, autobiograph
bibliobookbibliography, bibliophile
biolifebiography, biology, biodegradable
chromecolormonochromatic, phytochrome
chronotimechronic, synchronize, chronicle
docteachdocument, docile, doctrinal
dynapowerdynasty, dynamic, dynamite
geoearthgeography, geology, geometry
gnoto knowagnostic, acknowledge
graphwriteautograph, graphic, demographic
hydrwaterdehydrate, hydrant, hydropower
kinesismovementkinetic, photokinesis
logosword, studyastrology, biology, theologian
narcsleepnarcotic, narcolepsy
pathfeelempathy, pathetic, apathy
phillovephilosophy, bibliophile, philanthropy
phonsoundmicrophone, phonograph, telephone
photolightphotograph, photocopy, photon
schemplanscheme, schematic
syntogether, withsynthetic, photosynthesis
telefartelescope, telepathy, television
troposturningheliotrope, tropical

abto move awayabstract, abstain, aversion
acer, acribitteracrid, acrimony, exacerbate
audihearaudible, audience, auditorium
benegoodbenefit, benign, benefactor
brevshortabbreviate, brief
circroundcircus, circulate
dictsaydictate, edict, dictionary
duclead, makededuce, produce, educate
fundbottomfounder, foundation, funding
gento birthgene, generate, generous
habto haveability, exhibit, inhabit
jurlawjury, justice, justify
levto liftlevitate, elevate, leverage
log, loguethoughtlogic, apologize, analogy
luc, lumlightlucid, illuminate, translucent
manuhandmanual, manicure, manipulate
mis, mitsendmissile, transmit, permit
omniallomnivorous, omnipotent, omniscent
pacpeacepacify, pacific, pacifist
portcarryexport, import, important
quitsilent, restivetranquil, requiem, acquit
scrib, scriptto writescript, proscribe, describe
sensto feelsensitive, sentient, resent
terrearthterrain, territory, extraterrestrial
timto feartimid, timorous
vacemptyvacuum, vacate, evacuate
vid, visto seevideo, vivid, invisible


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